Snow melting on the roof
Snow on the roof can be challenging both due to the amount and weight load, and in the worst case, lead to major damage to the roof. It is advisable to remove the snow before it becomes too wet and heavy.
Snow on the roof can be challenging both due to the amount and weight load, and in the worst case, lead to major damage to the roof. It is advisable to remove the snow before it becomes too wet and heavy.
The machine is an HW3600, and will be used in Forsvarsbygg’s daily operations – for, among other things, remote defrosting, concrete work and building heating.
Sdiptech is a technology group that will strengthen HeatWork’s international growth, as well as building on the company’s ambitions to be a sustainable and innovative driver in the market.
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7000 m³ casting of ultra low carbon concrete
Read more about the project here…
Savings of up to 76% compared to planned method!
Read more here…
“It’s a big, green day for as at Peab Bjørn Bygg”, says CEO Gro Skaar Knutsen
“Indoor climate, environment, and health and safety are very important to our customers, and we have supplied HeatWork and CliWi fluid-borne heating…”